Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I let my wallet get stolen today. I was carelessly keeping my purse behind me on a crowded bus in downtown Chicago. I was really focused on watching for our stop. I felt at least two different people bump my purse, and I tried to reposition myself out of traffic. I'm sure my wallet was gone by the second "bump". I discovered it about 30 minutes later digging for my train ticket at the station. Within an hour I had filed a police report, filed a fraud watch report, and notified my credit card companies. But I still feel like an idiot. Charges were made on the cards.

I really likeed that wallet, too :(

I know its not my fault that someone was looking for stuff to steal. But it was my fault to be more protective of my belongings.

Dear Lord,
I pray for thieves. I'm sorry they feel they need to resort to this behavior. I pray for victims. It was a pain for me - inconvenient mostly. I can't imagine if that was the money I needed to live on for the rest of the month.