Saturday, October 15, 2011

What is a good day?

OK, today wasn't really a great day - in fact it started out pretty bad. I was going to go out to breakfast, but my car made a scary loud noise. I was really scared. It was loud and screechy. It made the noise whenever I moved - not just used the breaks but whenever I rolled or accelerated. I had a bit of driving to do today, so I kinda started to panic.

I couldn't get my husband to answer up his cell phone - he was in another state. I called Ford dealer where I usually get it serviced, but no one in the service department was available. I called my dad, and he had a pretty reasonable explanation, but also suggested if I was close to a service place (which I was) I should go. So I slowly and carefully drove to the Ford dealer - screeching all the way - but adminttedly more quiet the faster I went.

I got to dealer and went in to describe the problem - hoping someone could tell me if would die if I continued to drive the car. I pleaded but no one would come out and even listen. The "soonest" they could see me was Monday. So I made an appointment - which I am not keeping because I am never EVER going to Griffin Ford AGAIN! - but that is another story. Besides, when I went out to the car again, it did not make the noise. I heard it only once for short time on the way home.

So needless to say, I'm a bit frazzled when I returned to my house and had to load all my Creative Memories product to take the vendor fair. I get in the fair and am expecting an 8'x8' space and find that my tables, and therefore my planned layout will not work. Plus I had neglected to ask for access to an outlet.

I supposed I could have lost it at this point, but, perhaps because I was in a church, I looked over to the corner, where another vendor had not yet arrived, and thought I would trade places. The organizers didn't care, so I took the little corner - it was about 8 ft. deep, but not more than 6 feet wide. I was able to sneak another table which was already against the wall. Things were looking up. In about an hour - as people were trickling in, I was pretty much set up and ready to go.

Within another 2 hours, my friend Naomi stopped by to help me out. I asked if she wouldn't mind coming by to just give ma a dinner break in the mid afternoon. We had a nice chat, and since she had once been a member of that church, many people were chatting with her.

The ham dinner was yummy - the vendors areound me were very nice. It wasn't a bad way to spend an afternoon. Pack up and loading was gruelling as usual, but went smoothly. So I guess as bad days go, this one really wasn't.

Actually, it's been a very challenging two months. Things at school are overwhelming and many people who should be supportive are not. The changes in my job are difficult for many people - not just me. But, I don't know, there is something comforting about keeping your cool when things get challenging.

The feeling reminds me of the shock wave that people in the movies experience when something blows up. There is that initial shock of emotion when it first happens, and then there is a wind - but it is a wind of calmness - like a whisper - keep your cool. This is only a test. If you can keep it together, it will work out.

Sure, my feeling still get hurt or I still feel scared, but it is such a powerful feeling of not being alone. It is a feeling of being surrounded. As if suddenly I am the only person in the world and some higher power is focused on me - reminding me that the control I have in this situation is how I react to it. That WWJD - patience, forgiveness - for you shall inherit ...

Probably too much time in church OR maybe a step closer to enlightenment.