Saturday, July 31, 2010

Where's My Stuff?

New Orleans - Day One

Tom's luggage was the first bag out. Then we waited and waited and waited ... Mine never showed. We filled out the paperwork and left for the hotel.

That was at noon.

We called at 2:30 - no one was there, so we left a message.

We called at 6:00. They didn't have it. They didn't appear to even look in their system - I kept trying to give them the bag #. I think they just looked around the room.

The doorman said the airlines usually bring all the lost bags around nine pm. - so maybe that's why they didn't see it at the airport. Hopefully!

Luckily I packed a change of clothes, a few of my toiletries (the ones I couldn't easily buy at Wallgreens), my swimsuit (temp is 98 degrees with heat index of 110), PJs, and another pair of shoes in my carry on.

I'm not dressed the way I wanted to be on Bourbon St. on Saturday night - but oh well. Hopefully they will find it by tomorrow so I don't have to spend my vacation shopping.

The hotel is beautiful, though. We've walked around town a bit - though we're looking forward to an evening low of 83. Keep coming for updates.

I'm posting a funny picture I took at the Milwaukee airport. It was at the end of the security check over a table where you can get all your stuff back together - shoes & jewelry on, laptop back in the case, liquids back in the carry-on. They called it the REcombobulation area. I wish I could Get REcombobulated today!

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