Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New Guests

Most of you know that we help out kitties at HAWS (Waukesha Humane Society) by fostering cats not quite ready for adoption, but now we've got some new visitors. These cuties were born under our deck and have been living in are yard since probably April. Last night and this morning we trapped them and have moved them into our "foster" room. They are still quite shy, but hopefully we can get them to move out from under the bed. The male (the fuzzy one) loves to play with a string on a stick and even purrs when you play with him!

They are still functioning as feral cats. I don't know how long it will take to socialize them - or if I will be able to. They are outside the accepted age for socialization (typically between 4 and 12 weeks of age).

If you know someone who might be interested in a kitten it might be better for these cats to not have to go through HAWS to be adopted. This should probably be an experienced owner who could work with a shy animal and probably someone who does not currently have another animal. There is no rush - they won't be ready for several weeks, but ask around.

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