Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Luggage is Home, the Luggage is Home, the Luggage is Home!

I just got off the phone with Midwest/Frontier. My bag just flew in on United. She had already called the delivery people and said it would be here at the hotel in no more than two hours. Hooray!

At noon - it will have been 24 hours. It seemed like an eternity (especially since we started our day yesterday at 4am) But in the scheme of our lives it was really just a blip. And now we have this great "excuse" every time we lose something - its in the luggage.

I was worried - all but one pair of summer shorts and capris were in that bag and this is not the time of year to try to go shopping for that stuff - at least in Milwaukee. Maybe it would have been different here in New Orleans. And I didn't get to wear my fun summer dress on Bourbon Street on Saturday night. Just to be on the safe side I washed out my bra and undies while I was in the shower this morning.

But truth be told everything in that bag was just a costume. Who I am was not in there. I had that with me all the time. Like Dorothy in Oz, I really didn't need the wizard - I had everything I needed with me all along.

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